Environnements et Paléoenvironnements
Océaniques et Continentaux
Université de Bordeaux  CNRS  Bordeaux-INP  EPHE  OASU

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Consignes de Sécurité et Numéros d'Urgence
(à l'usage des personnels du laboratoire)

Wave overwash on a rock platform: remote sensing and pressure sensor observations

le 07-09-2018 à 11:00

Salle Univers, Bâtiment B18N, OASU, Université de Bordeaux

Hannah Power, Universiy of New Castle, Australia

Rocky coastlines are frequently used for recreation; however, they are often exposed to large and hazardous waves, resulting in high risk to visitors. Traditional approaches to managing human safety in coastal settings, such as surf lifesaving clubs, are not necessarily transferable to rock platforms due to their more remote and fragmented distribution, and different recreational uses. The Figure Eight Pools rock platform in the Royal National Park south of Sydney, Australia, recently experienced a dramatic increase in visitation due to social media exposure. This talk will will present a new method for measuring wave hazards on rock platforms using a low-cost camera system, and describe the data and analysis that was used to develop and evaluate a wave overwash hazard rating system for the Figure Eight Pools rock platform. The results show that wave overwash at the site can be both dangerous and deceptive to visitors, even during low-moderate wave conditions. In response, the hazard rating system is now being developed into a live predictive web tool to assist in managing visitor safety at the site.
UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU - Université de Bordeaux
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - CS 50023 - 33615 PESSAC CEDEX - FRANCE

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