Research on Quaternary paleoceanography in the Western Arctic Ocean using 'IBVR ARAON'
le 01-04-2015 à 10:45Lieu Salle Stendhal, DGO, Bâtiment B18
Intervenant(s) Seung-Il NAM, Arctic Research Centre, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon 406-840, Korea |
The recent warming Arctic has fundamental effects on various scales as global (albedo, sea level, thermohaline circulation), hemispheric (mid-latitude weather/climate), and local (sedimentary, hydrographic, and cryospheric conditions). The extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice have dramatically reduced due to the amplified response of the Arctic Ocean to rapid global warming. The rapid melting of Arctic sea ice allowed us to enhance the research activities in the western Arctic using ice-breaking research vessels to unravel the present and past climate and oceanographic changes in seasonally ice-free open water conditions. In particular, paleoclimate/paleoceanographic records estimated from the western Arctic sediments are crucial factors to understand the past and present oceanographic and environmental changes, and thus it could be used as the base data sets for a reliable prediction of future climate changes on global scales.
The Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean is particularly key area with rapid and large extent reduction of the Arctic sea ice and relatively low sea-surface salinity (compared to Atlantic sector) due to sea-ice melting along with huge amount runoff from the surrounding continents. Korea thanks to geographic advantage to conduct research activities in the western Arctic Ocean using icebreaking research vessel. Within this context, KOPRI recently started a new Arctic research program for understanding recent environmental changes and reconstructing the late Quaternary glacial history and paleoceanographic changes in the western Arctic using ice-breaker 'IBRV ARAON'. KOPRI's Arctic research program aims to: acquire shallow seismic and multibeam data and retrieve long undisturbed sediment cores from the Chukchi Borderland-the Mendeleev Ridge-East Siberian continental margin using the 'IBRV ARAON', and establish a reliable stratigraphy of key sediment cores; then to reconstruct glacial history and high-resolution paleoceanographic changes in the western Arctic during the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles based on precise stratigraphic data and climate-driven multiple proxies. In summary, I will introduce current preliminary results estimated from sediment cores taken from the western Arctic Ocean during the five 'IBRV ARAON' Arctic expeditions from 2010 to 2013. Our research arctivities in the western Arctic Ocean with 'IBRV Araon' will contribute to identify potential sites for future coring with a long piston core and ocean deep drilling for understanding of Arctic evolution and global climate changes during the transition from the early Cenozoic Greenhouse world to the late Cenozoic Icehouse world. Furthermore, I will briefly give information on our future research plan, including the Arctic expeditions (ARA06C) in 2015, in the western Arctic Ocean with 'IBRV Araon'.