Coherent structure in turbulent flows and sediment transport interaction
le 08-02-2010 à 10:45Lieu Salle Stendhal, DGO, Bâtiment B18
Intervenant(s) Christian ESCAURIAZA (Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department, Pontifica Universidad de Chile) |
Most of the flows that are relevant in engineering and geophysical applications are turbulent and occur in arbitrarily complex geometries. Large-scale unsteady vortices, known as coherent structures, constitute the most important mechanisms of transport in aquatic environments. The simulation of these flows, however, is a challenging task due to the wide range of scales and the interactions with the boundaries. In this seminar we will present our recent advances and research on turbulent flow dynamics, and the influence of coherent structures on sediment transport and erosion processes in real-life conditions.