A sneak preview on climate predictions
le 26-04-2022 à 11:00Lieu Salle Univers, Bâtiment B18N, OASU, Université de Bordeaux
Intervenant(s) Yulia Polkova, Institute of Oceanography, Universität Hamburg |
Climate prediction is the type of information about the future evolution of climate components such as atmosphere, sea ice, ocean, and land. An example is air temperature for different locations on Earth in the various temporal resolutions, e.g., monthly, annual, etc. Climate predictions are produced with Earth System Models and utilize our best knowledge about the recent state of the Earth's climate and external forcing such as greenhouse gas emissions, volcanic eruptions, and solar radiation. I am offering a sneak preview seminar on the science and methodology behind climate predictions. The seminar will cover topics such as how climate predictions are made, what exactly we are considering to predict, climate prediction providers, and some examples of applications of climate predictions e.g., for marine services.