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Surname :GrémareAntoine Grémare
First Name :Antoine
Status :Enseignant-Chercheur UBX (Professeur HDR)
Thematic Teams(s) :Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Coastal Systems
Address :UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU
Station Marine d'Arcachon
Université de Bordeaux
2 Rue du Professeur Jolyet
Telephone :+33 5 56 22 39 06
E-mail :antoine.gremare@u-bordeaux.fr

Expertise / Responsabilities
benthic ecology

ResearchGate : http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antoine_Gremare

Fontanier C., Deflandre B., Rigaud S., Mamo B., Dubosq N., Lamarque B., Langlet D., Schmidt S., Lebleu P., Poirier D., Cordier M.A., Gremare A. (2022) Live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the West-Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic): Assessing the reliability of bio-indicators in a complex shelf sedimentary unit, Continental Shelf Research, 232, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104616.

Dubosq N., Schmidt S., Walsh J.P., Gremare A., Gillet H., Lebleu P., Poirier D., Perello M.C., Lamarque B., Deflandre B. (2021) A first assessment of organic carbon burial in the West Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay), Continental Shelf Research, 221, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104419.

Labrune C., Gauthier O., Conde A., Grall J., Blomqvist M., Bernard G., Gallon R., Dannheim J., Van Hoey G., Gremare A. (2021) A general-purpose biotic index to measure changes in benthic habitat quality across several pressure gradients, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(6), doi: 10.3390/jmse9060654.

Lamarque B., Deflandre B., Dalto A.G., Schmidt S., Romero-Ramirez A., Garabetian F., Dubosq N., Diaz M., Grasso F., Sottolichio A., Bernard G., Gillet H., Cordier M.A., Poirier D., Lebleu P., Derriennic H., Danilo M., Tenorio M.M.B., Gremare A. (2021) Spatial distributions of surface sedimentary organics and sediment profile image characteristics in a high-energy temperate marine riomar: The west gironde mud patch, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(3), 1-32., doi: 10.3390/jmse9030242.

Rigaud S., Deflandre B., Grenz C., Cesbron F., Pozzato L., Voltz B., Gremare A., Romero-Ramirez A., Mirleau P., Meule S., Faure V., Mayot N., Michotey V., Bonin P., Pascal L., Cordier M.A., Lamarque B., Tenorio M., Radakovitch O. (2021) Benthic oxygen dynamics and implication for the maintenance of chronic hypoxia and ecosystem degradation in the Berre lagoon (France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 258, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107437.

Bernard G., Kauppi L., Lavesque N., Ciutat A., Gremare A., Masse C., Maire O. (2020) An invasive mussel (Arcuatula senhousia, Benson 1842) interacts with resident biota in controlling benthic ecosystem functioning, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(1)2, 1-18., doi: 10.3390/jmse8120963.

Painting S.J., Collingridge K.A., Durand D., Gremare A., Creach V., Bernard G. (2020) Marine monitoring in Europe: Is it adequate to address environmental threats and pressures?, Ocean Science, 16, 235-252, doi: 10.5194/os-16-235-2020.

Pascal L., Gremare A., de Montaudouin X., Deflandre B., Romero-Ramirez A., Maire O. (2020) Parasitism in ecosystem engineer species: A key factor controlling marine ecosystem functioning, Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(9), 2192-2205, doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13236.

Bernard G., Romero-Ramirez A., Tauran A., Pantalos M., Grall J., Gremare A. (2019) Declining maerl vitality and habitat complexity across a dredging gradient: Insights from in situ sediment profile imagery (SPI), Scientific Reports, 9, 16463, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52586-8.

Bonifacio P., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Labrune C. (2019) Climate-driven changes in macrobenthic communities in the Mediterranean Sea: A 10-years study in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer, Ecology and Evolution, 9, 10483-10498, doi: 10.1002/ece3.5569.

Farcy P., Durand D.D., Charria G., Painting S.J., Collindridge K., Gremare A., Puillat I. (2019) Towards a European Coastal Observing Network to provide better answer to science and societal challenges: the JERICO Research Infrastructure, Frontiers in Marine Science, 0.617361111, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00529.

Masse C., Garabetian F., Deflandre B., Maire O., Costes L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Duchene J.C., Bernard G., Gremare A., Ciutat A. (2019) Feeding ethology and surface sediment reworking by the ampharetid polychaete Melinna palmata Grube, 1870: Effects on sediment characteristics and aerobic bacterial community composition, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 512, 63-77, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.12.009.

She J., Piniella A.M., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Boehme L., Boero F., Christense A., Crowe T.P., Darecki M., Garcia E.N., Gremare A., Hernandez F., Kouts T., Krompjamp J., Petihakis G., Pito I.S., Reissmann J., Tuomi L., Zingone A. (2019) An integrated approach to coastal and biological observations, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00314.

Bonifacio P., Gremare A., Gauthier O., Romero-Ramirez A., Bichon S., Amouroux J.M., Labrune C. (2018) Long term (1998 vs 2010) large scale comparison of soft-bottom benthic macrofauna composition in the Gulf of Lions, NW, Journal of Sea Research, 132, 32-45, doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2017.08.013.

Fontanier C., Mamo B., Toucanne S., Bayon G., Schmidt S., Deflandre B., Dennielou D., Jouet G., Garnier E., Sakai S., Martinez Lamas R., Duros P., Toyofuku T., Sale A., Belleney D., Bichon S., Bossier A., Cheron S., Pitel M., Roubi A., Rovere M., Gremare A., Dupre S., Jorry S. (2018) Are deep-sea ecosystems surrounding Madagascar threatened by land-use, climate change or tectonics, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 131, 93-100, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2017.11.011.

Gallon R.K., Lavesque N., Grall J., Labrune C., Gremare A., Bachelet G., Blanchet H., Bouchet V.M.P., Dauvin J.C., Desroy N., Gentil F., Guerin L., Houbin C., Jourde J., Laurand S., Le Duff M., Le Garrec V., de Montaudouin X., Olivier F., Orvain F., Sauriau P.G., Thiebaut E., Gauthier O. (2017) Regional and latitudinal patterns of soft-bottom macrobenthic invertebrates along French coasts: Results from the RESOMAR database, Journal of Sea Research, 130, 96-106, doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2017.03.011.

Bernard G., Duchene J.C., Romero-Ramirez A., Lecroart P., Maire O., Ciutat A., Deflandre B., Gremare A. (2016) Experimental assessment of the effects of temperature and food availability on particle mixing by the bivalve Abra alba using new image analysis techniques, PLoS ONE, 11(4), e0154270, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154270.

Delgard M.L., Deflandre B., Bernard G., Richard M., Kochoni E., Charbonnier C., Cesbron F., Metzger E., Gremare A., Anschutz P. (2016) Benthic oxygen exchange over a heterogeneous Zostera noltei meadow in a temperate coastal ecosystem, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 543, 55-71, doi: 10.3354/meps11570.

Dessandier P.A., Bonnin J., Kim J.H., Bichon S., Deflandre B., Gremare A., Sinnninghe Damste J.S. (2016) Impact of organic matter source and quality on living benthic foraminiferal distribution on a river-dominated continental margin: a study of the Portuguese margin, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 121, 1689-1714, doi: 10.1002/2015JG003231.

Fontanier C., Garnier E., Brandily C., Dennielou B., Bichon S., Gayet N., Eugene T., Rovere M., Gremare A., Deflandre B. (2016) Living (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Mozambique Channel (eastern Africa): Exploring ecology of deep-sea unicellular meiofauna, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 115, 159-174, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.06.007.

Masse C., Meisterhans G., Deflandre B., Bachelet G., Bourrasseau L., Bichon S., Ciutat A., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lavesque N. Raymond N., Gremare A., Garabetian F. (2016) Bacterial and macrofaunal communities in the sediments of the West Gironde Mud Patch, Bay of Biscay (France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 189-200, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.011.

Mouret A., Anschutz P., Deflandre B., Deborde J., Canton M., Poirier D., Gremare A., Howa H. (2016) Spatial heterogeneity of benthic biogeochemistry in two contrasted marine environments (Arcachon Bay and Bay of Biscay, SW France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 51-65, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.09.001.

Pascal L., de Montaudouin X., Gremare A., Maire O. (2016) Dynamics of the Upogebia pusilla-Gyge branchialis marine host-parasite system, Marine Biology, 163, 195, doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2969-9.

Pascal L., Maire O., Volkenborn N., Lecroart P., Bichon S., de Montaudouin X., Gremare A., Deflandre B. (2016) Influence of the mud shrimp Upogebia pusilla (Decapoda: Gebiidea) on solute and porewater exchanges in an intertidal seagrass (Zostera noltei) meadow of Arcachon Bay: An experimental assessment, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 477, 69-79, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2016.01.008.

Romero-Ramirez A., Bonifacio P., Labrune C., Sarda R., Amouroux J.M., Bellan G., Duchene J.C., Hermand R., Karakassis I., Dounas C., Gremare A. (2016) Long-term (1998-2010) large-scale comparison of the ecological quality status of gulf of lions (NW Mediterranean) benthic habitats, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 102, 102-113, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.052.

Romero-Ramirez A., Gremare A., Bernard G., Pascal L., Maire O., Duchene J.C. (2016) Development and validation of a video analysis software for marine benthic applications, Journal of Marine Systems, 162, 4-17., doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.03.003.

Dessandier P.A., Bonnin J., Kim J.H., Bichon S., Gremare A., Deflandre B., de Stigter H., Malaize B. (2015) Lateral and vertical distributions of living benthic foraminifera off the Douro River (western Iberian margin): Impact of the organic matter quality, Marine Micropaleontology, 120, 31-45, doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2015.09.002.

Bernard G., Delgard M.L., Maire O., Ciutat A., Lecroart P., Deflandre B., Duchene J.C., Gremare A. (2014) Comparative study of sediment particle mixing in a Zostera noltei meadow and a bare sediment mudflat, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 514, 71-86, doi: 10.3354/meps10961.

Blanchet H., Gouillieux B., Alizier S., Amouroux J.M., Bachelet G., Barille A.L., Dauvin J.C., de Montaudouin X., Derolez V., Desroy N., Grall J., Gremare A., Hacquebart P., Jourde J., Labrune C., Lavesque N., Meirland A., Nebout T., Olivier F., Pelaprat C., Ruellet T., Sauriau P.G., Thorin S. (2014) Multiscale patterns in the diversity and organization of benthic intertidal fauna among French Atlantic estuaries, Journal of Sea Research, 90, 95-110, doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.02.014.

Bonifacio P., Bourgeois S., Labrune C., Amouroux J.M., Escoubeyrou K., Buscail R., Romero-Ramirez A., Lantoine F., Vetion G., Bichon S., Desmalades, M., Riviere B., Deflandre B., Gremare A. (2014) Spatiotemporal changes in surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition off the Rhône River in relation to its hydrological regime, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 151, 196-209, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.10.011.

Dubois S., Blanchet H., Garcia A., Masse M., Galois R., Gremare A., Charlier K., Guillou G., Richard P., Savoye N. (2014) Trophic resource use by macrozoobenthic primary consumers within a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem: stable isotope and fatty acid assessment, Journal of Sea Research, 88, 87-99, doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.01.004.

Fontanier C., Duros P., Toyofuku T., Oguri K., Koho K.A., Buscail R., Gremare A., Radakovitch O., Deflandre B., De Nooijer L.J., Bichon S., Goubet S., Ivanovsky A., Chabaud G., Menniti C., Reichart G.J., Kitazato H. (2014) Living (stained) deep-sea foraminifera off Hachinohe (NE Japan, western Pacific): Environmental interplay in oxygen-depleted ecosystems, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 44, 281-299, doi: 10.2113/gsjfr.44.3.281.

Fontanier C., Koho K.A., Goni-Urriza M.S., Deflandre B., Galaup S., Ivanovsky A., Gayet N., Dennielou B., Gremare A., Bichon S., Gassie C., Anschutz P., Duran R., Reichart G.J. (2014) Benthic foraminifera from the deep-water Niger delta (Gulf of Guinea): Assessing present-day and past activity of hydrate pockmarks, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 94, 87-106, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.08.011.

Toyofuku T., Duros P., Fontanier C., Mamo B., Bichon S., Buscail R., Chabaud G., Deflandre B., Goubet S., Gremare A., Menniti C., Fujii M., Kawamura K., Koho K.A., Noda A., Namegaya Y., Oguri K., Radakovitch O., Murayama M., de Nooijer L.J., Kurasawa A., Ohkawara N., Okutani T., Sakaguchi A., Jorissen F., Reichart G.J., Kitazato H. (2014) Unexpected biotic resilience on the Japanese seafloor caused by the 2011 Tōhoku-Oki tsunami, Scientific Reports, 4, 7517, doi: 10.1038/srep07517.

Fontanier C., Metzger E., Waelbroeck C., Jouffreau M., Lefloch N., Jorissen F.J., Etcheber H., Bichon S., Chabaud G., Poirier D., Gremare A., Deflandre B. (2013) Live (stained) benthic foraminifera off Walvis Bay (Namibia): A deep-sea ecosystem under the influence of benthic nepheloid layers, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 43, 50-66, doi: 10.2113/gsjfr.43.1.55.

Romero-Ramirez A., Gremare A., Desmalades M., Duchene J.C. (2013) Semi-automatic analysis and interpretation of sediment profile images, Environmental Modelling & Software, 47, 42-54.

Bernard G., Gremare A., Maire O., Lecroart P., Meysman F., Ciutat A., Deflandre B., Duchene J.C. (2012) Experimental assessment of particle mixing fingerprints in the deposit-feeding bivalve Abra alba (Wood) , Journal of Marine Research , 70, 689-718, doi: 10.1357/002224012806290705.

Blanchet H., Bachelet G., de Montaudouin X., Lavesque N., Gremare A. (2012) Biodiversity and bio-evaluation methods in transitional waters: a theoretical challenge, Transitional Waters Bulletin, 6, 13-19, doi: 10.1285/i1825229Xv6n2p13.

Borja A., Dauer D.M., Gremare A. (2012) The importance of setting targets and reference conditions in assessing marine ecosystem quality, Ecological Indicators, 12, 1-7..

Dubois S., Savoye N., Gremare A., Plus M., Charlier K., Beltoise A., Blanchet H. (2012) Origin and composition of sediment organic matter in a coastal semi-enclosed ecosystem: an elemental and isotopic study at the ecosystem space scale, Journal of Marine Systems, 94, 64-73, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.10.009.

Labrune C., Romero-Ramirez A., Amouroux J.M., Duchene J.C., Desmalades M., Escoubeyrou K., Buscail R., Gremare A. (2012) Comparison of ecological quality indices based on benthic macrofauna and sediment profile images: A case study along an organic enrichment gradient off the Rhône River, Ecological Indicators, 12, 133-142.

Sokolowski A., Wolowicz M., Asmus H., Asmus R., Carlier A., Gasiunaite Z., Gremare A., Hummel H., Lesutiene J., Razinkovas A., Renaud P.E., Richard P., Kedra M. (2012) Is benthic food web structure related to diversity of marine macrobenthic communities?, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 108, 76-86.

Gutt J., Barratt I., Domack E., d'Udekem d'Acoz C., Dimmler W., Gremare A., Heilmayer O., Isla E., Janussen D., Jorgensen E., Kock K.H., Lehnert L.S., Lopez-Gonzales P., Langner S., Linse K., Manjon-Cabeza M.E., Mei[ss]ner M., Montiel A., Raes M., Robert H., Rose A., Schepisi E.S., Saucede T., Scheidat M., Schenke H.W., Seiler J., Smith C. (2011) Biodiversity change after climate-induced ice-shelf collapse in the Antarctic, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, 74-83.

Pastor L., Deflandre B., Viollier E., Cathalot C., Metzger E., Rabouille C., Escoubeyrou K., Pruski A., Vetion G., Desmalades M., Buscail R., Gremare A. (2011) Influence of the organic matter composition on benthic oxygen demand in the Rhône River prodelta (NW Mediterranean Sea), Continental Shelf Research, 31, 1008-1019, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2011.03.007.

Sane E., Isla E., Gremare A., Gutt J., Vetion G., DeMaster D.J. (2011) Pigments in sediments beneath recently collapsed ice shelves: The case of Larsen A and B shelves, Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Sea Research, 65, 94-102.

Cathalot C., Rabouille C., Pastor L., Deflandre B., Viollier E., Buscail R., Gremare A., Treignier C., Pruski A. (2010) Temporal variability of carbon recycling in coastal sediments influenced by rivers: assessing the impact of flood inputs in the Rhône River prodelta, Biogeosciences, 7, 1187-1205, doi: 10.5194/bg-7-1187-2010.

Lecroart P., Maire O., Schmidt S., Gremare A., Anschutz P., Meysman F. (2010) Bioturbation and short lived radioisotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 6049-6063.

Maire O., Merchant J.N., Bulling M., Teal L.R., Gremare A., Duchene J.C., Solan M. (2010) Indirect effects of non-lethal predation on bivalve activity and sediment reworking, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 395, 30-36.

Mouret A., Anschutz P., Deflandre B., Chaillou G., Hyacinthe C., Deborde J., Etcheber H., Jouanneau J.M., Gremare A., Lecroart P. (2010) Oxygen and organic carbon fluxes in sediments of the Bay of Biscay, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 57, 528-540, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.12.009.

Teixeira H., Borja A., Weisberg S.B., Ranasinghe J.A., Cadien D.B., Dauer D.M., Dauvin J.C., Degraer S., Diaz R.J., Gremare A., Karakassis I., Llanso R.J., Lovell L.L., Marques J.C., Montagne D.E., Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Rosenberg R., Sarda R., Schaffner L.C., Velarde R.G. (2010) Assessing coastal benthic macrofauna community condition using best professional judgement - Developing consensus across North America and Europe, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 589-600.

Arvanitidis C., Somerfield P.J., Rumohr H., Faulwetter S., Valavanis V., Vasileiadou A., Chatzigeorgiou G., Vanden Berghe E., Vanaverbeke J., Labrune C., Gremare A., Zettler M.L., Kedra M., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Aleffi I.F., Amouroux J.M., Anisimova N., Bachelet G., Buntzow M., Cochrane S.J., Costello M.J., Craeymeersch J., Dahle S., Degraer S., Denisenko S., Dounas C., Duineveld G., Emblow C., Escaravage V., Fabri M.C., Fleischer D., Gray J.S., Heip C.H.R., Herrmann M., Hummel H., Janas U., Karakassis I., Kendall M.A., Kingston P., Kotwicki L., Laudien J., Mackie A.S.Y., Nevrova E.L., Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Oliver P.G., Olsgard F., Palerud R., Petrov A., Rachor E., Revkov N.K., Rose A., Sarda R., Sistermans W.C.H., Speybroeck J., Van Hoey G., Vincx M., Whomersley P., Willems W., Zenetos A. (2009) The biological geography of the European seas: results from the macrofaunal inventory of the soft-substrate communities, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 265-278.

Carlier A., Riera P., Amouroux J.M., Bodiou J.Y., Desmalades M., Gremare A. (2009) Spatial heterogeneity in the food web of a heavily modified Mediterranean coastal lagoon: a stable isotope evidence, Aquatic Biology, 5, 167-179.

Escaravage V., Herman P.M.J., Merckx B., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Amouroux J.M., Degraer S., Gremare A., Heip C.H.R., Hummel H., Karakassis I., Labrune C., Willems W. (2009) Productivity explains the distribution patterns of macrofauna species diversity in subtidal soft sediments. Results from a pan European dataset, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 253-264.

Gremare A., Labrune C., Vanden Berghe E., Amouroux J.M., Bachelet G., Zettler M.L., Vanaverbeke J., Fleischer D., Bigot L., Maire O., Deflandre B., Craeymeersch J., Degraer S., Dounas C., Duineveld G., Heip C., Herrmann M., Hummel H., Karakassis I., Kedra M., Kendall M., Kingston P., Laudien J., Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Rachor E., Sarda R., Speybroeck J., Van Hoey G., Vincx M., Whomersley P., Willems W., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Zenetos A. (2009) Comparison of the performances of two biotic indices based on the MacroBen database, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 297-311, doi: 10.3354/meps08030.

Renaud P.E., Webb T.J., Bjorgesaeter A., Karakassis I., Kedra M., Kendall M.A., Labrune C., Lampadariou N., Somerfield P.J., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Vanden Berghe E., Claus S., Aleffi F., Amouroux J.M., Bryne K.H., Cochrane S.J., Dahle S., Degraer S., Denisenko S.G., Deprez T., Dounas C., Fleischer D., Gil J., Gremare A., Janas U., Mackie A.S.Y., Palerud R., Rumohr H., Sarda R., Speybroeck J., Taboada S., Van Hoey G., Weslawski J.M., Whomersley P., Zettler M.L. (2009) Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: Insights from the MarBEF database, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 239-252.

Vanden Berghe E., Claus S., Appeltans W., Faulwetter S., Arvanitidis C., Somerfield P.J., Aleffi I.F., Amouroux J.M., Anisimova N., Bachelet G., Cochrane S., Costello M.J., Craeymeersch J., Dahle S., Degraer S., Denisenko S., Dounas C., Duineveld G., Emblow C., Escaravage V., Fabri M.C., Fleischer D., Gremare A., Herrmann M., Hummel H., Karakassis I., Kedra M., Kendall M., Kingston P., Kotwichi L., Labrune C., Laudien J., Nevrova H., Occhipinti A., Olsgard F., Palerud R., Petrov A., Rachor E., Revkov N., Rumohr H., Sarda R., Sistermans W.C.H., Speybroeck J., Janas U., Van Hoey G., Vincx M., Whomersley P., Willems W., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M., Zenetos A., Zettler M.L., Heip C. (2009) MacroBen' integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves: a tool for large-scale analysis across Europe, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 225-238.

Webb T.J., Aleffi I.F., Amouroux J.M., Bachelet G., Degraer S., Dounas C., Fleischer D., Gremare A., Hummel H., Karakassis I., Kedra M., Kendall M.A., Kotwichi L., Labrune C., Nevrova E.L., Occhipinti A., Petrov A., Revkov N.K., Sarda R., Simboura N., Speybroeck J., Van Hoey G., Vincx M., Whomersley P., Willems W., Wlodarska-Kowalczuk M. (2009) Macroecology of the European soft sediment benthos: insights from the Macroben database, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 287-296.

Bigot L., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Frouin P., Maire O., Gaertner J.C. (2008) Assessment of the ecological quality status of soft-bootoms in Reunion Island (tropical Southwest Indian Ocean) using AZTI marine biotic indices, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56, 704-722.

Carlier A., Riera P., Amouroux J.M., Bodiou J.Y., Desmalades M., Gremare A. (2008) Food web structure of two Mediterranean lagoons under varying degree of eutrophication, Journal of Sea Research, 60, 287-298.

Labrune C., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Sarda R., Gil J., Taboada S. (2008) Structure and diversity of shallow soft-bottom benthic macrofauna in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), Helgoland Marine Research, DOI 10.1007/s10152-008-0108-9.

Maire O.,Lecroart P., Meysman F.J.R., Rosenberg R., Duchene J.C., Gremare A. (2008) Methods of sediment reworking assessment in bioturbation research: a review, Aquatic Biology, 2, 219-238.

Rosenberg R., Gremare A., Duchene J.C., Davey E., Franck M. (2008) 3D visualization and quantification of marine benthic biogenic structures and particle transport utilizing computer-aided tomography, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 363, 171-182.

Carlier A., Riera P., Amouroux J.M., Bodiou J.Y., Escoubeyrou K., Desmalades M., Capparos J., Gremare A. (2007) A seasonal survey of the food web in the Lapalme Lagoon (northwestern Mediterranean) assessed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73, 299-315.

Carlier A., Riera P., Amouroux J.M., Bodiou J.Y., Gremare A. (2007) Benthic trophic network in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (Northwest Mediterranean, France): An assessment based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes analysis, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72, 1-15..

Fleischer D., Gremare A., Labrune C., Rumohr H., Vanden Berghe E., Zettler M.L. (2007) Performance comparison of two biotic indices measuring the ecological status of water bodies in the Southern Baltic and Gulf of Lions, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 1598-1606.

Labrune C., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Sarda R., Gil J., Taboada S. (2007) Assessment of soft-bottom polychaete assemblages in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) based on a mesoscale survey, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 71, 133-147.

Labrune C., Gremare A., Guizien K., Amouroux J.M. (2007) Long-term comparison of soft bottom macrobenthos in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) : A reappraisal, Journal of Sea Research, 58, 125-143.

Maire O., Amouroux J. M., Duchene J.C., Gremare A. (2007) Relationship between filtration activity and food availability in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Marine Biology, 152, 1293-1307.

Maire O., Duchene J.C., Amouroux J.M., Gremare A. (2007) Activity patterns in the terebellid polychaete Eupolymnia nebulosa assessed using a new image analysis system, Marine Biology, 151, 737-749.

Maire O., Duchene J.C., Bigot L., Gremare A. (2007) Linking feeding activity and sediment reworking in the deposit-feeding bivalve Abra ovata with image analysis, laser telemetry and luminophore tracers, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351, 139-150.

Maire O., Duchene J.C., Gremare A., Malyuga V.S, Meysman F.J.R. (2007) A comparison of sediment reworking rates by the surface deposit-feeding bivalve Abra ovata during summertime and wintertime, with a comparison between two models of sediment reworking, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 343, 21-36.

Norling K., Rosenberg R., Hulth S., Gremare A., Bonsdorff E. (2007) The importance of functional biodiversity and species specific traits of benthic fauna for ecosystem functions in marine sediments, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 332, 11-13..

Bigot L., Conand C., Amouroux J.M., Frouin P., Bruggemann H., Gremare A. (2006) Effects of industrial outfalls on tropical macrobenthic sediment communities in Reunion Island Southwest Indian Ocean, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52, 865-880.

Dalto A.G., Gremare A., Dinet A., Fichet D. (2006) Muddy-bottom meiofauna responses to metal concentrations and organic enrichment in New Caledonia South-West Lagoon, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 67, 629-644.

Labrune C., Amouroux J.M., Sarda R., Dutrieux E., Thorin S., Rosenberg R., Gremare A. (2006) Characterization of the ecological quality of the coastal Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean). A comparative approach based on three biotic indices, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52, 34-47.

Labrune C., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Sarda R., Gil J., Taboada S. (2006) Diversity of polychaete fauna in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), Vie et Milieu, 56, 1-13..

Maire O., Duchene J.C., Rosenberg R., Braga de Mendonca Jr J., Gremare A. (2006) Effects of food availability on sediment reworking in Abra ovata and Abra nitida, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 319, 135-153.

Charles F., Lopez-Legentil S., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Desmalades M., Vetion G., Escoubeyrou K. (2005) Does sediment resuspension by storms affect the fate of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in benthic food chain? Interactions between changes in POM characteristics, adsorption and absorption by the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Continental Shelf Research, 25, 2533-2553.

Cotou E., Gremare A., Charles F., Hatzianestis I., Sklivagou E. (2005) Potential toxicity of resuspended particulate matter and sediments: Environmental samples from the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer and Thermaikos Gulf, Continental Shelf Research, 25, 2521-2532.

Ferre B., Guizien K., Durrieu de Madron X., Palanques A., Guillen J., Gremare A. (2005) Fine-grained sediment dynamics during a strong storm event in the inner shelf of the Gulf of Lions, Continental Shelf Research, 25, 2410-2427.

Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Chaillou G., Anschutz P., Gremare A., Griveaud C. (2005) Live foraminiferal faunas from a 2800 m deep lower canyon station from the Bay of Biscaye: Faunal response to focussing of refractory organic matter, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52, 1189-1227.

Gremare A., Guttierez D., Anschutz P., Amouroux J.M., Deflandre B., Vetion G. (2005) Spatio-temporal changes in totally and enzymatically hydrolysable amino acids of superficial sediments from three contrasted areas, Progress in Oceanography, 65, 89-111.

Pusceddu A., Gremare A., Escoubeyrou K., Amouroux J.M., Fiordelmondo C., Danovaro R. (2005) Impact of natural (storm) and anthropogenic (trawling) sediment resuspension on particulate organic matter in coastal environments, Continental Shelf Research, 25, 2506-2520.

Gremare A., Duchene J.C., Rosenberg R., David E., Desmalades M. (2004) Feeding behaviour and functional response of Abra ovata and A. nitida compared by image analysis, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 267, 195-208.

Riaux-Gobin C., Dinet A., Dugue G., Vetion G., Maria E., Gremare A. (2004) Phytodetritus at the water-sediment interface, NW Mediterranean Basin: spatial repartition, revival tests and meiofauna relationships, Scientia Marina, 68, 7-21..

Charles F., Jordana E., Amouroux J.M., Gremare A., Desmalades M., Zudaire L. (2003) Reproduction, recruitment and larval metamorphosis in the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Müller), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 57, 435-443.

Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Cauwet G., Charles F., Courties C., DeBovee F., Dinet A., Devenon J.L., Durrieu de Madron X., Ferre B., Fraunie P., Joux F., Lantoine F., Lebaron P., Naudin J.J., Pujo-Pay M., Zudaire L. (2003) The effects of a strong winter storm on physical and biological variables at a shelf site in the Mediterranean, Oceanologica Acta, 26, 407-419.

Gremare A., Medernach L., DeBovee F., Amouroux J.M., Charles F., Dinet A., Vetion G., Albert P., Colomines J.C. (2003) Relationships between sedimentary organics and benthic fauna within the Gulf of Lions : Synthesis on the identification of new biochemical descriptors of sedimentary organic nutritional value, Oceanologica Acta.

Rosenberg R., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Nilsson H.C. (2003) Benthic habitats in the northwest Merditerranean characterised by sedimentary organics, benthic macrofauna and sediment profile images, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 57, 297-311.

Rosenberg R., Nilsson H.C., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M. (2003) Effects of demersal trawling on marine sediments analysed by sediment profile imagery, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 285-286 , 465-477.

Rossi S., Gremare A., Gili J.M., Amouroux J.M., Jordana E., Vetion G. (2003) Biochemical characteristics of settling particulate organic matter at two north-western Mediterranean sites : a seasonal comparison, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56, 1-11..

Cartes J.E., Gremare A., Maynou F., Villora-Moreno S., Dinet A. (2002) Bathymetric changes in the distribution of particulate organic matter and associated fauna along a deep-sea transect down the catalan sea slope. (Northwestern Mediterranean), Progress in Oceanography, 53, 29-56.

Gremare A., Medernach L., DeBovee F., Amouroux J.M., Vetion G., Albert P. (2002) Relationships between sedimentary organics and benthic meiofauna on the continental shelf and the upper slope of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 234, 85-94.

Riisgard H.U., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Vetion G., Charles F., Rosenberg R., Nielsen C. (2002) A comparative study of water processing in two ciliary filter-feeding polychaetes (Ditrupa arietina and Euchone papillosa) inhabiting two different environments, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 229, 113-126.

Jordana E., Charles F., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Chretiennot-Dinet M.J. (2001) Food sources, ingestion and absorption in the suspension-feeding polychaete Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Müller), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 266, 219-236.

Jordana E., Gremare A., Lantoine F., Courties C., Charles F., Amouroux J.M., Vetion G. (2001) Seasonal changes in the grazing of coastal picoplankton by the suspension-feeding polychaete Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Müller), Journal of Sea Research, 46, 245-259.

Medernach L., Gremare A., Amouroux J.M., Colomines J.C., Vetion G. (2001) Temporal changes in the amino acids contents of particulate organic matter sedimenting in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (northwestern Mediterranean), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 214, 55-65.

Gremare A., among 20 other contributors (2000) The peer-review system:time for re-assessment? , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 192, 305-3313.

Medernach L., Jordana E., Gremare A., Nozais C., Charles F., Amouroux J.M. (2000) Population dynamics, secondary production and calcification of Ditrupa arietina O.F. Muller (Annelida:Polychaeta) within the Bay of Banyuls-sur-mer (Western Mediterranean), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 199, 171-184.

Sarda R., Pinedo S., Gremare A., Taboada S. (2000) Changes in the dynamics of shallow soft-bottom assemblages due to man-made disturbance processes in the Catalan western mediterranean sea, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 1446-1453.

Charles F., Amouroux J.M., Gremare A. (1999) Comparative study of the utilization of bacteria and microalgae by the suspension-feeding bivalve Callista chione, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79, 577-584.

Medernach L., Gremare A. (1999) Comparaison de méthodes de l'évaluation de la production secondaire d'une population de l'annélide polychète Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Müller), Oceanologica Acta, 22, 337-352.

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