[2011] Caley, T., Malaize, B., Zaragosi, S., Rossignol, L., Bourget, J., Eynaud, F., Martinez, P., Giraudeau, J., Charler, K., Ellouz-Zimmerman, N. sous presse. " New Arabian Sea records help decipher orbital timing of Indo-Asian monsoon ", Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters.  
  Penaud A, Eynaud F, Sánchez-Goñi M, Malaizé B, Turon JL, Rossignol L. Contrasting sea-surface responses between the western mediterranean sea and eastern subtropical latitudes of the north atlantic during abrupt climatic events of MIS 3. Mar Micropaleontol 2011;80(1-2):1-17.
  Toucanne, S., Zaragosi, S., Eynaud, F., Bourillet, J.F., Lericolais, G., Gibbard, P.L. 2011. "Comments to Westaway and Bridgland – 'Causes, consequences and chronology of large‐magnitude palaeoflows in Middle and Late Pleistocene river systems of northwest Europe", Earth Surface Processes and Landforms DOI: 10.1002/esp.2170.  
  Eynaud F., Planktonic foraminifera in the Arctic: a paleoceanographic view. IOP Conf.Series:EarthandEnvironmentalScience 14 (2011); doi:10.1088/1755-1315/14/1/012005.  
  Matsuzaki KMR, Eynaud F, Malaizé B, Grousset FE, Tisserand A, Rossignol L, Charlier K, Jullien E. Paleoceanography of the mauritanian margin during the last two climatic cycles: From planktonic foraminifera to african climate dynamics. Mar Micropaleontol 2011;79(3-4):67-79.
  Van Nieuwenhove N, Bauch HA, Eynaud F, Kandiano E, Cortijo E, Turon J-. Evidence for delayed poleward expansion of north atlantic surface waters during the last interglacial (MIS 5e). Quaternary Science Reviews 2011;30(7-8):934-46.
  Penaud A, Eynaud F, Voelker A, Marret F, Turon JL, Rossignol L, Blamart D, Mulder T. Hydrological processes affecting the subtropical NE atlantic (34-38° N) over the last 30 ka: Evidence from phyto- and zooplankton assemblages. Biogeosciences Discussions 2011;8(2):2281-327.  
[2010] Penaud A, Eynaud F, Turon JL, Blamart D, Rossignol L, Marret F, Lopez-Martinez C, Grimalt JO, Malaizé B, Charlier K. Contrasting paleoceanographic conditions off morocco during heinrich events (1 and 2) and the last glacial maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 2010;29(15-16):1923-39.  
  Toucanne S, Zaragosi S, Bourillet J-, Marieu V, Cremer M, Kageyama M, Van Vliet-Lanoë B, Eynaud F, Turon J-, Gibbard PL. The first estimation of fleuve manche palaeoriver discharge during the last deglaciation: Evidence for fennoscandian ice sheet meltwater flow in the english channel ca 20-18 ka ago. Earth Planet Sci Lett 2010;290(3-4):459-73.
[2009] Toucanne S, Zaragosi S, Bourillet JF, Gibbard PL, Eynaud F, Giraudeau J, Turon JL, Cremer M, Cortijo E, Martinez P, Rossignol L. A 1.2 ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the west european atlantic margin. Quaternary Science Reviews 2009;28(25-26):2974-81.  
  Penaud A, Eynaud F, Turon JL, Zaragosi S, Malaizé B, Toucanne S, Bourillet JF. What forced the collapse of european ice sheets during the last two glacial periods (150 ka B.P. and 18 ka cal B.P.)? palynological evidence. Palaeogeogr , Palaeoclimatol , Palaeoecol 2009;281(1-2):66-78.
  Eynaud F, Cronin TM, Smith SA, Zaragosi S, Mavel J, Mary Y, Mas V, Pujol C. Morphological variability of the planktonic foraminifer neogloboquadrina pachyderma from ACEX cores: Implications for late pleistocene circulation in the arctic ocean. Micropaleontology 2009;55(2-3):101-16.  
  Eynaud F, De Abreu L, Voelker A, Schönfeld J, Salgueiro E, Turon J-, Penaud A, Toucanne S, Naughton F, Sánchez Goñi MF, Malaizé B, Cacho I. Position of the polar front along the western iberian margin during key cold episodes of the last 45 ka. Geochem Geophys Geosyst 2009;10(7).  
  Toucanne S, Zaragosi S, Bourillet JF, Cremer M, Eynaud F, Van Vliet-Lanoë B, Penaud A, Fontanier C, Turon JL, Cortijo E, Gibbard PL. Timing of massive 'fleuve manche' discharges over the last 350 kyr: Insights into the european ice-sheet oscillations and the european drainage network from MIS 10 to 2. Quaternary Science Reviews 2009;28(13-14):1238-56.
  Retailleau S, Howa H, Schiebel R, Lombard F, Eynaud F, Schmidt S, Jorissen F, Labeyrie L. Planktic foraminiferal production along an offshore-onshore transect in the south-eastern bay of biscay. Cont Shelf Res 2009;29(8):1123-35.
  Waelbroeck C, Paul A, Kucera M, Rosell-Melé A, Weinelt M, Schneider R, Mix AC, Abelmann A, Armand L, Bard E, Barker S, Barrows TT, Benway H, Cacho I, Chen M-, Cortijo E, Crosta X, De Vernal A, Dokken T, Duprat J, Elderfield H, Eynaud F, Gersonde R, Hayes A, Henry M, Hillaire-Marcel C, Huang C-, Jansen E, Juggins S, Kallel N, Kiefer T, Kienast M, Labeyrie L, Leclaire H, Londeix L, Mangin S, Matthiessen J, Marret F, Meland M, Morey AE, Mulitza S, Pflaumann U, Pisias NG, Radi T, Rochon A, Rohling EJ, Sbaffi L, Schäfer-Neth C, Solignac S, Spero H, Tachikawa K, Turon J-. Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the last glacial maximum. Nature Geoscience 2009;2(2):127-32.  
[2008] Rochon, A., Eynaud F., de Vernal A., 2008. Dinocysts as tracers of hydrographical conditions and productivity along the ocean margins: Introduction.Marine Micropaleontology
  Cronin, T.M., Smith, S., Eynaud, F., O'Regan, M., King, J./2008. Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Central Arctic based on IODP ACEX 302 Foraminiferal Assemblages./23, PA1S18, doi:10.1029/2007PA001484
  Toucanne S., Zaragosi S., Bourillet J.F., Cremer M., Eynaud F., Dennielou B., 2008. Activity of the turbidite levees of the Celtic ? Armorican margin over the last 30,000 years: imprints of the last European deglaciation and Heinrich events. Marine Geology 247 (1-2) pp. 84-103.
  Penaud A., *Eynaud F*., Turon J.L., Zaragosi, S., Marret F., Bourillet J.F., 2008. Interglacial variability (MIS 5 and MIS 7) and dinoflagellate cycts assemblages in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic). Marine Micropaleontology
 [2007] Jullien E., Grousset F. E., Malaizé B., Duprat J., Sanchez-Goñi M.F., Eynaud F., Charlier K., Schneider R., Bory A., Bout V., Flores J.A., 2007. Tropical dusty Heinrich-like events vs. high-latitude icy Heinrich events. Quaternary research. 68 (3), pp. 379-386.
  Eynaud, F., Zaragosi, S., Scourse, J.D., Mojtahid, M., Bourillet, J.F., Hall, I.R., Penaud, A., Locascio, M. and Reijonen, A., 2007. Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 8(6): 1-19.
[2006] Zaragosi S., Bourillet J-F., Eynaud F., Denhard B., Van Toer A. et Lanfumey V. (2006). The impact of the last European deglaciation on the Bay of Biscay turbidite systems, Geo-Marine Letters, Special Issue on “Deep-Sea Turbidite Systems on French.”, Mulder T., ed., v. 26 (6), p 317-330.

De Vernal A., Rosell-Mele A., Kucera M., Hillaire-Marcel C., Eynaud F., Weinelt M., Dokken T., Kageyama M. (2006) Comparing proxies for the reconstruction of LGM sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic , Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 2820-2834.

  Moran K., Backman J., Brinkhuis H., Clemens S.C., Cronin T., Dickens G.R., Eynaud F., Gattacceca J., Jakobsson M., Jordan R. W., Kaminski M., King J., Koc N., Krylov A., Martinez N., Matthiessen J., McInroy D., Moore T.C., Onodera J., O'Regan M., Palike H., Rea B., Rio D., Sakamoto T., Smith D.C., Stein R., St John K., Suto I., Suzuki N., Takahashi K., Watanabe M., Yamamoto M., Farrell J., Frank M., Kubik P., Jokat W., Kristoffersen Y. (2006) The Cenozoic palaeoenvironment of the Arctic Ocean, Nature, 441, 601-605.  
[2005] De Vernal A., Eynaud F., Henry M., Hillaire-Marcel C., Londeix L., Mangin S., Matthiessen J., Marret F., Radi T., Rochon A., Solignac S., Turon J.L. (2005) The surface ocean at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) estimates from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 897-924.
  Mojtahid M., F. Eynaud, S. Zaragosi, J-F. Bourillet & J. Scourse. 2005 "Palaeoclimatology and palaeohydrology of the celtic and armorican margins over the last 350 000 years." Marine Geology, 224, 1-4 (57-82)
[2004] Eynaud F., Turon J.L., Duprat J. (2004) Comparison of the Holocene and Eemian palaeoenvironments in the South- Icelandic basin: dinoflagellate cysts as proxies for the North Atlantic surface circulation, Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, 128, 55-79.
[2002] Auffret, G.A., Zaragosi, S., Dennielou, B., Cortijo, E., Wan Roij, D., Grousset, F., Pujol, C., Eynaud, F., Siegert, M., Patern, M. 2002, Terrigenous fluxes at the Celtic Margin during the last glacial cycle. Marine Geology, 188(1-2): 79-108.
  Eynaud F., Turon J.L., Mathiessen J., Kissel C., Peypouquet J.P., de Vernal A., Henry M. (2002) Norwegian Sea surface palaeoenvironments of the the Marine Isotopic Stage 3: the paradoxical response of dinoflagellate cysts, Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(4), 349-359.
[2001] de Vernal A., Henry M., Matthiessen J., Mudie P.J., Rochon A., Boessenkool K.P., Eynaud F.,Grosfjeld K., Guiot J., Hamel D., Harland R., Head M.J., Kunz-Pirrung M., Levac E., Loucheur V., Peyron O., Pospelova V., Radi T., Turon J.L., Voronina E. (2001) Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as tracers of sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic, Arctic and sub-Arctic seas: the new n = 677 data base and its application for quantitative palaeoceanographic reconstruction, Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(7), 681-698.
  Zaragosi, S., Eynaud, F., Pujol, C., Auffret, G.A., Turon, J.L. Garlan, T., 2001 Initiation of the European deglaciation as recorded in the northwestern Bay of Biscay slope environments (Meriadzek Terrace and Trevelyan Escarpment): a multi-proxy approach, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 188, p. 493-507.
[2000] Eynaud F.,Turon J.L., Sanchez Goni M.F., Gendreau S. (2000) Dinoflagellate cyst evidence of 'Heinrich-like events' off Portugal during the Marine Isotopic stage 5, Marine Micropaleontology, 40(1-2), 9-21.
  Sanchez Goni M.F., Eynaud F., Turon J.L., Shackleton N.J., Cayre, O. (2000) Direct land-sea corelation for the Eemian and its comparison with the Holocene: a high resolution palynological record off the Iberian margin, Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 79(2/3), 345-354.  
  Sanchez Goni M.F., Turon J.L., Eynaud F., Gendreau S. (2000) European climatic response to millenial-scale changes in the atmosphere-ocean system during the Last Glacial period, Quaternary Research, 54(3), 394-403.
[1999] Eynaud F., Giraudeau J., Pichon J.J., Pudsey C.J. (1999) Sea-surface distribution of coccolithophores, diatoms, silicoflagellates and dinoflagellates in the South Atlantic Ocean during the late austral summer 1995, Deep-Sea Research I, 46, 451-482.
  Sanchez Goni M.F., Eynaud F., Turon J.L., Shackleton N.J. (1999) High resolution palynological record off the Iberian margin: direct land-sea correlation for the Last Interglacial complex, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 171, 123-137.